The Construction phase of a project demands efficiency while balancing due diligence and regulatory requirements. At RIDGE, we understand the challenges of managing this balance. We assist contractors by informing them of their regulatory obligations while facilitating environmental monitoring throughout the project. As challenges arise during construction, we strive to provide solutions with a goal of meeting critical timelines. We take pride in being part of the construction team to ensure a successful final project while remaining compliant.  

  • Qualified Aquatic Environmental Species (QAES) support 
  • Water quality monitoring  
    • Development of TSS/NTU relationship curve 
    • Instream construction monitoring 
  • Fish salvages 
  • Pre-construction bird and wildlife sweeps 
  • Environmental inspections 
  • Regulatory management to ensure compliance 
  • Regulatory reporting 
  • Bat capture and acoustic monitoring 
  • Snake management, capture and relocation 
  • Wildlife monitoring